A variety of tools comprise the jBPM package, the most important of which are:
- A graphic editor available from browser level, which serves the purpose of process modelling and simulation. It supports the latest BPMN 2.0 notation.
- An editor which makes it possible to create data models and define task forms.
- A Web application ensuring comfortable use of jBPM components, supporting the entire business process life cycle.
- API enabling integration with other systems through services (REST, JMS, Remote Java API).
- An Eclipse plug-in enabling process modelling, testing and debugging.
- Integration with popular tools, such as: Maven, Spring, OSGi.
The platform modules are shown on the figure below:
- jBPM Core Engine Core Engine is the most important module responsible for business process operation. It provides such functionalities as the possibility to launch process instances and migrate them to newer versions or to monitor a variety of events. It supports BPMN 2.0, JPA and JTA notations. It is lightweight – it may be launched on virtually any JRE device.
- Process Designer Process Designer operates within a web browser and it allows for business process modelling in a graphic editor, according to BPMN 2.0 notation. It is also possible to simulate processes.
- Form Modeler Forms Modeler is used for creating forms in a graphic, drag-and-drop way. It enables inserting various fields (e.g., text, document type or combo box) and configuring their properties and locations. It is possible to associate the fields with process data, to embed forms, to use expressions and scripts. A convenient Form Modeler functionality is the possibility to automatically create forms based on the data it is to handle. The fact that it meets the WYSIWYG requirements is another important feature.
- Process Instance and Task Management The tool is dedicated to business users. It is used for launching new process instances, previewing all running processes and their details. Each user may also display their tasks and complete them.
- Business Activity Monitoring The tool enables monitoring processes in a way that is clear to lay people. Its main advantage is the possibility to present outcomes in the form of charts and to export them to Excel and CSV files, to configure reports, to access various system data and to filter and search data using a variety of protocols.
- Workbench Workbench is a browser-based application which combines all the modules listed above and delivers them to the user via a clear interface. It supports access and role management, owing to which it is possible for everyone involved to comfortably work on a project, e.g. developers, business analysts. It has a GIT repository management service, which ensures project versioning, remote access and REST service use.