The first and foremost challenge of the project was to integrate 12 systems into one seamless business process.
The list included both Bank’s internal and external systems, and third party providers’ systems. The next one is time pressure – identification and selection of major features required to deliver the MVP phase in just a few months were other demanding activities.
After six months of work Lending team managed to deliver MVP version on business expectations.
Contemporary look and feel of the application with multiple process steps were successfully deployed to the production environment which constitutes the process for first loan product. What is more, the application was seamlessly integrated into currently used front-office and back-office applications (hosted on StarBoost platform) and internationalization feature – Croatian and English languages were supported. Furthermore, special care was dedicated to user ergonomics with the same UI pattern for all StarBoost applications. This kind of application is a great base for the future omnichannel solution, which may directly influence customer experience of lending processes or maybe even may change the way how people can get a loan through new, digital channels!
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