LOT Polish Airlines was looking for an IT partner to build a new platform to handle its loyalty programs. The client emphasized that the solution had to be flexible and consistent, with an intuitive user interface – irrespective of the device used.
Moreover, the new platform was to be integrated with existing tools and, most importantly of all, with the firm’s worldwide ticket booking system – Amadeus.
The client also expected to be consulted in respect of the solution architecture, which was to ensure maximum efficiency while meeting very restrictive requirements concerning user data security.
The first thing to be created was an Integration Bus based on Mule ESB technology. It had been initially estimated that approximately 50 services would be built, however, in the course of the analysis process their amount increased considerably and finally nearly 130 were created. The services were installed in AWS (Mule Cloud) and on LOT servers (Mule OnPremise).
During the next stage, a team of 25 specialists went on to work on the remaining platform modules. As early as a month into the portal part of the project, it was possible to start testing the first operations on the budding participant portals: registration and logging in using OAuth 2.0 protocol. The coming weeks saw the creation of the remaining functionalities: User Portal, Partner Portal, Administrative Panel.
What proved to be the biggest challenge was the PNR (Passenger Name Record) database, which was to store information regarding the loyalty program participant’s bookings. The amount of data passing through the Amadeus system required a careful choice of technology. The final solution, based on Mongo DB, easily meets all the efficiency requirements.
After several months, we managed to deploy the first loyalty platform, created entirely by BlueSoft, into the production environment. In the months to come, the solution was being further developed and it featured new LOT loyalty programs.
LOT business team gained a flexible and reliable platform to handle loyalty programs. One of the elements of the solution is its integration with the worldwide ticket booking system – Amadeus – in order to gather information about the status of all passengers’ flights. Moreover, integration with other, existing tools used by the client was ensured.
The loyalty platform comprises nine modules, three of which were embedded in an AWS cloud and the remaining components were embedded in LOT servers. Guaranteed full program configurability, responsive user interface, handling more than 20 types of loyalty events (i.a. flight, shopping, registration) and ensuring uninterrupted access to the platform in various load conditions are but a few advantages of the solution.
Currently, two loyalty programs dedicated to small and medium enterprises and sales agents are offered on the platform built by BlueSoft, which brings LOT Polish Airlines quantifiable benefits.
Successful fulfillment of all design assumptions, from analysis and business needs identification to timely and successful deployment convinced the client that BlueSoft is an IT partner with whom it is worthwhile to establish a long-term cooperation. Since the first joint project’s completion, both companies have cooperated on a number of other initiatives.
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