SAP Hybris implementation in Telco


One of the biggest Polish telecoms operators (both in landline phone and mobile/landline Internet business) has been faced with a challenge to capitalize on its competitive advantage in convergent service sales on the difficult telecoms market.

At the same time it has set a goal to reduce development and IT systems maintenance costs, while increasing speed and sales ease.

The aim of the project was to create a coherent e-commerce solution for several dozen million clients based on one platform. One common ground for clients, sales representatives and consultants where product management in each sales channel should be simple, coherent and transparent. What posed an additional challenge was that the operator’s systems to date had not easily supported combining offers between landline and mobile phone factories in order to combine benefits and create a synergy effect for clients. Several dozen incongruent systems carrying out sales and customer service functionalities, depending on a sales channel, presented another problem.


In order to achieve the goal, the SAP Hybris platform was chosen along with a dedicated Telco module. 

The platform is considered the market leader in the realm of multi-channel solutions. Using ready-for-use, out-of-the-box functionalities made it possible to promptly launch the platform for test runs.
Remodelling the telecom’s operational processes with BlueSoft, caused by deploying the Hybris solution – meeting world e-commerce standards, significantly simplified them and increased their transparency.
The entire project was divided into stages whereupon each particular element may be developed by a different vendor or the client itself. The project was being handled abreast with other vendors, the IT and business departments – all committed to final success.
Close cooperation within BlueSoft and exchange of knowledge between development teams and the client’s maintenance teams helped implement the DevOps methodology for the platform maintenance. This translated into a bigger number of implementations of new versions of the application, while at the same time minimizing the risk of a failure.

The SAP Hybris solution which has been chosen combines a number of functionalities which enabled easy client information management and rich (360-degree view) client profile presentation on each sales channel. Simultaneously, what has been retained was the possibility to personalize offers, make convergent offers, promote and widely support sales. The SAP Hybris-based solution gave the opportunity to handle multi-channel sales via one common tool used by clients, sales representatives and consultants, which translates into lower handling and system development costs. The integrated platform makes it possible to combine all client preference information into one, coherent database, which enables boosting sales.
One of the projects successes was combining the monolithic SAP Hybris platform with the micro service architecture – regardless of the embedded services, according to the single responsibility principle. The use of micro services allows creating services written in a variety of programming languages and utilizing multiple technologies. Micro services are entirely independent, which increases the solution’s stability and scalability. This approach makes it possible to:

  • reduce the impact on other components in the event of introducing functional changes,
  • independently develop and implement changes to the micro service functionalities,
  • scale a particular module without it being necessary to scale the entire platform.


  1. Short time to market of the test run platform (3 months).

  2. 10% reduction of IT systems maintenance cost and 20% reduction of development cost annually – ultimately several dozen current systems will have been replaced by a SAP Hybris-based solution.

  3. Using the SAP Hybris platform enabled covering the entire architectural intricacy of the telecom.

  4. Efficient issuing of new versions owing to using the DevOps methodology.

  5. Integrating, on the part of BlueSoft, separate product catalogues and joining them to one dedicated Hybris catalogue. Simple synchronization of all channels and markets currently handled by the telecom.

  6. BlueSoft created a comprehensive multi basket which allows selling products from a variety of sections.

  7. BlueSoft has also participated in integrating product recommendations in order to make it easier for clients to choose a product, while at the same time gathering information regarding client behaviour.

  8. Upgrading the platform with the possibility to view client profiles in a 360-degree view.

  9. Providing a platform for business partners, easy integration with the partners’ systems.

  10. Ensuring coherence of the content regarding the products in all sales channels.

  11. Using an advanced promotion module to boost sales.

  12. Providing clients with a full self-care process.

  13. BlueSoft has also participated in order management and in creating an advanced order processing mechanism.

  14. BlueSoft has also prepared solutions in the realm of order capture, multi cart and order fulfillment, which make it possible to connect offers for several products from different factories, e.g. insurance, energy – increasing attractiveness due to product cross selling.

  15. Possibility to handle several brands / MVNO operators on one platform.


Technologies we used

With our broad expertise, extensive experience, and 800 highly qualified engineers, we are your one-stop shop for all your IT needs. By choosing BlueSoft you profit from the latest technologies tailored to your business, giving your enterprise an opportunity to surpass the competition.

  • Web Development
  • Mobile
  • System Integration

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