Vendor Consolidation


BlueSoft started larger-scale cooperation with PTK Centertel in 2004 from analytical and development jobs involving the ESB integration bus. This cooperation bore fruit in that BlueSoft was contracted with further order management, provisioning and sales applications jobs.

In the field of provisioning, in 2006 BlueSoft designed and deployed its proprietary system which has been in operation at Teleoperator’s group to date.
At the same time, in 2005, we teamed up with TP S.A. – also in the realm of system integration.
Upon merging, the two companies formed a Teleoperator group and chose us to be the vendor of integration solutions for the both mainstays of the newly formed company (landline and mobile telephony).
In 2010, Teleoperator implemented the Vendor Consolidation program contracting the entirety of its development and maintenance of certain system groups. BlueSoft, together with its Partner, was awarded the 3-year contract and started rendering integration services for Teleoperator.


What posed a challenge when working on a contract of such scale was establishing efficient and seamless cooperation with our Partner and organizing the entire contract management structure, both internally and at customer touch points.

Rendering the entire chain of services (from analyses to development, deployment and maintenance), as well as being responsible for efficient and timely delivery of business-ready functionalities was, on the one hand, an interesting challenge for us and, on the other hand, it guaranteed the client security in terms of service rendition and new market offer implementation.


The exclusive contract for rendering a certain range of services allowed us to put together a standing team of specialists which efficiently and seamlessly completed its particular tasks.

At the same time, we provided training for our team, so that each specialist could promptly start working in 2 or 3 different IT architecture systems. This allowed us to compensate for workload fluctuations in particular areas.

A smoothly running management structure and a worked-out communication model also guaranteed proper understanding on the business part of the client and quick response to any emerging risks and issues.
A maintenance team, working in tandem, was in direct contact with the development teams, which also guaranteed very quick and efficient incident handling and production issue resolution.

IT systems in development and maintenance
BlueSoft’s team
millions end users using the IT infrastructure
years of cooperation on the bases of the VC model


The adopted cooperation model guaranteed that the client’s IT architecture was being developed in a secure and confident fashion. The procurement process was so simplified that only several ours had elapsed from GO to KICK-OFF.

The efficient analytical and development path significantly reduced time to market and the amount of production issues related to development was decreasing exponentially, which had been borne out by certain KPIs.

The cooperation resulted in the client’s deciding to continue with this cooperation model. The contract was amended in 2013. This time, the Vendor Consolidation program was divided differently – business-wise into entire mobile and entire landline sections. Again, teamed up with our Partner, we started performing the 3-year mobile telephony contract. In this case, the group of systems (more than 40) was so expanded (sales, CRM, billing, integration) that it required of us to substantially develop our team and quickly learn about the systems that had been new to us. The so-called “transition phase”, consisting in system acquisition and learning, was finished in 3 months and as of that tome we started fully rendering the services, including production maintenance.

Key takeaways

Technologies we used

With our broad expertise, extensive experience, and 800 highly qualified engineers, we are your one-stop shop for all your IT needs. By choosing BlueSoft you profit from the latest technologies tailored to your business, giving your enterprise an opportunity to surpass the competition.

  • E-Commerce
  • Business Process Management
  • Web Development
  • Mobile
  • System Integration

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