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Modern employee benefits – how to additionally motivate an employee?

Employee benefits are no longer the exception but a standard bonus most companies offer. They also often play an essential role in the recruitment process, distinguishing a job offer from others. What are employee benefits, and how can they increase employee motivation? What has the pandemic changed in the approach to non-wage benefits? You will find the answers to these questions in the article below. We also present the non-wage benefits we have introduced at BlueSoft.

Employee benefits – what is it?

Employee benefits are nothing more than non-wage supplements to your salary. They are usually financed by the employer, although co-financing by the employee is also a popular solution. According to the Nationale Nederlanden report, almost 8 out of 10 Polish companies offer their employees non-wage benefits. The types and rules of employee benefits depend on the company’s policy.

Employee motivation – what is the role of employee benefits?

The goal of employee benefits is to keep the team highly motivated. How do employee benefits affect the motivation of employees? Employees with non-wage benefits have more energy to work and feel more satisfied with their duties. It makes them more involved. Their loyalty to the employer is also growing.
Companies with a flexible approach to the benefits policy, reacting to changing trends and considering employees’ current needs, enjoy a greater interest in candidates. Non-wage benefits play an increasingly important role in recruitment processes and may determine the willingness to work in a given company.

Benefits and post-pandemic reality

Although the COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacted the financial situation of 6 out of 10 Polish companies, more than 80% of them offer non-wage benefits to their employees. Moreover, every second entrepreneur plans to increase the package of non-wage benefits for current and future employees (data from the Nationale Nederlanden report).
The pandemic has increased concerns about the health and safety of workers. As a result, their needs and expectations related to non-wage benefits have changed. According to the report, 38% of entrepreneurs think that the possibility of remote work became the most important during the pandemic. In addition, employees began to appreciate group life insurance (29%) and private health care (26%) more.
Along with the growing popularity of remote work in Poland, the interest in e-services has also increased – gift cards for online stores (24%), access to streaming portals with movies and music, or a voucher to be used for games on Xbox or PlayStation consoles are just a few famous benefits propositions.

Examples of employee benefits in Polish companies

Poland’s most popular employee benefits include those related to health – insurance or private medical care. There are also subsidies for training and learning foreign languages, which employees focused on development eagerly use. Employers more and more often offer their employees the possibility of remote work; additional paid leave, or flexible working hours. In many companies, employees can also count on a company car, free parking space, and fuel cards. Widespread non-wage benefits also include shopping vouchers for shops and sports packages.

Non-wage benefits at BlueSoft

What employee benefits have we introduced at BlueSoft? We offer our employees, among other things, flexible working time and model. We enable work in a modern, comfortably arranged office with billiards, table football, and PlayStation, as well as remote work from anywhere in the world. We enable those interested to learn English and German. In addition, we also provide group life insurance, reimburse the costs of cloud certificates and offer discounts on communication services. Caribbean cruises as an employee benefit? For lovers of sea adventures, we offer discounts on trips with Fryderyk Chopin around this paradise corner of the world. Working at BlueSoft also means themed breakfasts on Mondays, fruit Wednesdays with squeezing fresh orange juice, and beer Fridays with pizza and games.

Employee satisfaction and appropriate motivation directly translate into work efficiency, the fruit of which is the company’s results and successful goals. The benefits offered should be tailored to the company’s capabilities and respond to the real needs of employees.

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