How do we make all systems and applications a coordinated whole? Several different system integration types can accomplish this task. However, it’s worth mentioning that choosing the right solution depends on the needs of the business. What are the different types of system integration, and what you should know about them?
One goal and different types of system integration
Each system we use in the company is based on a slightly different language and principles of operation, which often prevents the efficient interaction of various solutions and might cause unnecessary issues. The effective connection of multiple applications so that they can communicate freely is the essence of system integration methods. This approach increases business efficiency, allowing you to use the potential of new technologies fully. Reaching this goal can be based on different types of system integration but selecting the appropriate method depends on individual needs.
Three popular system integration types
There are many ways to combine the applications, so it’s helpful to know the types of system integration. The following classification takes into account the area and websites functionality:
- Enterprise Application Integration (EAI),
- Data Integration (DI),
- Electronic Document Integration (EDI).
All types of system integration are designed to automate activities and processes, synchronize data, and connect systems into a single entity.
EAI – one of the most effective types of system integration
One of the types of system integration, the Enterprise Application Integration, is a new service-oriented architecture model that can be considered a business unit for internal and external users of different systems. As opposed to point-to-point system integrations, EAI simplifies the global architecture, enabling communication of many applications and operating on different technical protocols. EAI also guarantees a high level of security, allows you to create canonical data models, and extends monitoring possibilities.
Data-based system integration methods – DI
System integration methods can be service or data-collection-oriented. Regarding the latter case, the goal is to create a single, central point of access to information. Data Integration consolidates many different data sources collected in all company systems. DI is, therefore, a way to create a central data aggregate for interactive reporting and business management. Free access to information from multiple channels is cost-saving and improves business process quality. However, implementing any innovations does not require changes to the existing applications.
EDI – system integration types for e-documents
Among the system integration types, you can also find the one dedicated to exchanging electronic documents in a standard format. Regarding the types of system integration methods, EDI facilitates the digitization of business and improves communication between business partners. Electronic Document Integration accelerates the flow of information, lowers costs, and reduces the number of errors. Data is transferred directly from an application in one organization to an application in another entity.
Which types of system integration methods will be the best?
System integration types differ and choosing the right one should be tailored to the needs of a particular company. What are the types of system integration that will work best? There is no one right solution for every business. It’s worth mentioning that different types of system integration serve the same purpose – they are to increase the efficiency and quality of the company’s operations. Contrary to manual data sharing, efficient communication is less effort and time-saving. As a result, it positively influences the exchange of information inside and outside the company, e.g., with customers or other related entities.
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